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My family doesn't support my acting career, what do I do?

We've all been there… Stuck between reality and fantasy. The 9-to-5 pays our bills, but the dream of acting nourishes our sense of purpose. Consistency is key to almost anything in life, but especially when it comes to following our dreams.

Consistency will be key to you overcoming the obstacles, disappointments, and negative comments from those you love the most… everyone can't be called to a career like the one we are trying to pursue. Remember:

1. It's your life. You don't owe anyone an explanation.

2. You can't share everything with everyone.

3. Trust yourself, develop a plan, and GO FOR IT.

It's a calling, not really a choice. You won't feel complete until you fulfill your purpose of being an actor. It's not for your family to understand, it's for you to embrace. I've heard it said 1 million times that "without a vision, people perish".… Well I wanted to remind you that whatever you do: move forward with your dreams and never, ever second-guess the vision.

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