7 deadly sins every actor should know: Agree or disagree?
Every industry has those few things that just aren't acceptable. Here are the top 7 deadly sins for those in the acting industry.
1. Sense of entitlement: Whatever you do always be grateful... and gracious. Casting directors, crew, and cast mates always remember the people who have the big head. You never want to be one of those people. Nobody owes you anything, especially in this industry. So, always be thankful, humble, and appreciative.
2. Lack of punctuality: As a first-time executive producer, I have really begun to realize TIME TRULY IS MONEY. Don't waste time, don't waste money. Being late to a casting call, day on set, or any other entertainment obligation is a big "NO NO" and should be avoided
whenever possible. If for some reason you have to be late, be sure to communicate with the appropriate person ASAP. And whatever you do, don't make a habit out of it.
3. Lack of respect: Aretha Franklin said it best! Just a little bit of respect will go a long way. Respect yourself and respect others as well! I am a firm believer in the golden rule that what goes around comes around. You will reap what you sow, whether you believe it or not.
4. Lack of confidence: In this industry, you can't depend on others to validate you. You've got to know your strengths and work 'em to your advantage.
5. Desperation: We all want to "make it" in this field, but the more you become desperate the more reluctant you are to uphold your standards.
Listen to your gut and maintain self respect. If any situation, person, place, or thing makes you feel uncomfortable (but you think it's a good opportunity), RUN. It may lead you into more trouble than you were expecting.
6. Failure to memorize your line(s): My goodness. This is one of my biggest pet peeves, you guys. In every profession, there is a skill or two that is non-negotiable.
For example, basketball players need to know how to handle the ball, pass, shoot, etc. In football, players need to know how to run, defend, kick, etc... A chef should be able to cook... and an actor should be able to memorize
their lines! The sooner you can toss the script because you know the lines, the sooner you can move to the funner things like character development and actually acting! Not to mention, it allows you to give a more realistic portrayal. Not knowing your lines is rude to your cast mate(s) and director(s).
7. No-Call, No-Show: Perhaps the ultimate deadly sin? THIS IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE IN ANY FIELD. Once you've been offered an audition, or a role, you should really view it as a chance to grow and learn and have fun. Industry professionals don't have to give you the time of day, but when they do it means a lot. Don't take it for granted and don't waste the opportunity. You may never get it back. You don't want to be labeled as an unreliable actor. Trust me! The industry is small, and people talk.
Now, tell us! Which is the worst the actor's 7 deadly sins? And what are you surprised to see/not see?